Martha’s Work Experience

Martha completed work experience with Success4All for a week where she supported our STEM Coordinator Kirsty by researching experiments and creating activity plans for our STEM Clubs. Martha was able to see how the STEM Club and our Learning Hubs are run and took part in some sessions.

Here is what Martha thought of her time here:

How have you found your work experience?

‘It’s been really interesting, I really love working with the young people. I’ve got a lot of work done and found out some more information that I didn’t know before, and learnt a lot. I have enjoyed coming up with new ideas for experiments, practical work for the STEM Club, and working in the Learning Hubs has been really fun as well.’

Could you give me an example of one of the experiments you came up with?

‘Plants have certain requirements they need like people and animals . And if you take away just one of those requirements, e.g. if you take away the light, or you take away the nutrients in the soil, or reduce their growing space, it would effect it in different ways.’

Was it what you expected?

‘No, I’m going to be completely honest I expected an admin office job, but it was actually really interesting and really fun. It was a lot more relaxed; I was really happy.’

What skills have you developed?

‘I learnt new skills in how to work with younger children and how to be patient with them. I also learnt how to understand what they are struggling with, and how we can help them. I have been watching some of the things you do and it’s been really interesting to see how you really want to help these children learn.’

We hope you had a great time at Success4All and learnt a lot!