Choose from our range of carefully curated Key Stage 2 Workshops, Clubs & Challenges

Success4All has worked on a wide range of innovative STEM projects over the years, supporting both students and teachers alike.

STEM is a flourishing scene, with endless opportunities and potential. Sadly, not everyone views STEM in the same way.

The negative stereotypes and lack of diversity continue to hold females and students from low socio-economic backgrounds from studying STEM-related subjects and pursuing STEM careers.

Our STEM services are designed to inspire young people and raise the profile of exciting STEM opportunities.

We see it as part of our role to equip and empower teachers too. Our enquiry-based learning approach provides teachers with the opportunity to develop new teaching styles, whilst building their skills and confidence.

To make an enquiry or booking, please email our STEM Engagement Manager, Kirsty Hayward, at

We have a number of workshops available for you to book for your class on a range of subjects.

We can deliver our workshops in your classroom or on our Learning Bus, depending on your booking.

To enquire or make a booking, please email our STEM Engagement Manager, Kirsty Hayward, at

Earth's Protective Coat

Investigate the ozone layer’s role in protecting us from harmful UV light, and investigate how to protect against UV exposure. This is especially important for astronauts, who do not have the protection of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Zero Waste Heroes

Investigate the need for recycling and reducing waste, and how to use the properties of materials to make this an efficient process.

Egg Drop Shop

Can you save an egg from the 4m fall from our double-decker bus...?? In this activity, students will have £100 to purchase items from our Egg Drop Shop!

Toothpaste Makers

Did you know the secret behind the perfect toothpaste lies in chemical engineering? In this workshop, students will create and test their own toothpaste recipes.

Digestive System

This activity will discuss food groups and how your body processes food. Students will have a go at modelling the digestive system in a messy and disgustingly fun activity to discover the crucial roles of our guts.


In this activity, we will create a battery from household ingredients to learn how batteries work.

Eclipses and Transits

How is an eclipse created? In this activity, students will try to recreate the four different kinds of eclipses, investigating the relative sizes and distances of the sun and moon.


Children will discover how fossils are formed and how they help us learn more about dinosaurs. They will also have the opportunity to experiment with making dinosaur footprints on different rocks.

Particle Problem

What happens to wastewater after it's washed away? It doesn't just disappear, right? In this workshop, students will get the opportunity to create their own water filters and discuss the damage plastic pollution is having on our oceans.

Our 6-week STEM Challenge is designed as a practical and team-based experience for Key Stage 2 primary school classes.

Inspired by the ‘real-life’ challenges and big questions faced by leading North East science, technology and engineering companies, pupils will work to solve a challenge over 5 weeks.

To find our more about our STEM Challenge, click here

Fossils, Rocks & Dinosaurs

Children will investigate how we can use fossils and rocks to learn more about dinosaurs and how these well known, but still very mysterious creatures lived.

Vehicle Fit For Purpose

Using Computer-aided design and flight tests, children will explore and develop an aeroplane wing design. They will try out a range of materials and modifications, before presenting their final model to a team from the Reece Group.

How does safe water get to our home?

Linked to Northumbrian Water, the children will investigate the power of water and its effect on our water infrastructure. From treatment to transport, children will explore the challenges of ensuring we look after the water on our planet.

Light, Vision & Memory

Inspired by current research from the Institute of Neuroscience at Newcastle University, this challenge explores the inquisitive properties of light. From reflection to shadows and colour, children will investigate visual illusions and brain tricks as they reveal the flaws in how humans learn.

Energy & Electricity

Children will discover key electrical concepts such as conductivity, power, resistance and current flow in circuits. We will explore what electricity is and how we can find innovative ways to produce energy through renewables. This challenge is supported by Northern Gas Networks and Northern Powergrid.

Recycling & Sustainability

Supported by the Royal Society of Chemistry, this project investigates the different properties of materials, why it is important to recycle, including the effect that plastic pollution is having on the environment, and the process of separating materials at a recycling plant.

Our STEM Clubs are perfect after school clubs where young people can come along and discover a wide range of new activities.

To enquire or make a booking, please email our STEM Engagement Manager, Kirsty Hayward, at

Curiosity Club

Creativity Club gives young people the opportunity to explore different topics, including science, art, crafts and engineering.  

We aim to provide practical and collaborative opportunities for young people to explore, investigate and play. They gain new skills and try a range of projects over the weeks they are with us. The children and young people who attend will benefit by gaining skills in communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and creativity, as well as being provided with a nurturing and relaxed environment in which they can experiment with new ideas.

STEM Challenge

Our 6-week STEM Challenge is designed as a practical and team-based experience for KS2 primary school classes or after-school groups. In every STEM Challenge, young people will develop key investigation skills through self-directed learning. Each project is a practical challenge that children can work through together, building communication and teamwork skills.


Use this enquiry form to ask us any questions about our Key Stage 2 STEM services.

You will need to complete all fields marked with *. This is so we can answer your query as quickly as possible.

You can also call us on 0191 273 2229.

Please note: Success4All services are only available to schools and community hubs located in the North East of England. As much as we would love to offer our services nationally, unfortunately, it just is not in our scope.

    What You Say

    This project was engaging from the very start. All of the children were focused and demonstrated great teamwork skills. It was a fun way to learn about recycling and forces. Thank you!

    Mrs Pugmire, Cheviot Primary

    Great resources and very interactive which is difficult with our knowledge/resources to replicate. The challenge allows interactive, fun discovery with a STEM aspect. Communication and team building are also impacted and we have seen positive outcomes.

    Quenten Dodds, St Cuthbert’s RC Primary School

    ‘Sessions are well staffed with the volunteers and children get a lot of one-to-one attention and help with their learning.’

    Alison Ainslie, Community Manager, Wingrove Primary (2014)

    ‘S4A’s creative approaches and flexible delivery to study support have added significant value to the life chances of many of our young people.’

    Mike Collier, Head Teacher Walker Technology College (2011-2017)

    ‘The Hub has been commented upon by Ofsted (2011 and 2014) as being a model of good practice.’

    Mike Collier, Head Teacher, Walker Technology College

    ‘S4A have had a major impact on the achievements of our EAL-students and contributed to the fact that, in one year, our school EAL-pupils achieved better exam results than any other Newcastle secondary school.’

    Don Burbeck, Deputy Head, Walker Technology College (2006-2016)

    ‘Success4All ran a German club, a Spanish club, an Italian club, an Italian Cooking club in our school.  It engaged both parent and pupil in a different way of learning.’

    Steve Gittins, Tyneview Primary (2012)

    ‘Success4All is a great intervention both for students and staff, both in school and in a community setting. They have the opportunity to drop into the after school club and use facilities with support from their peers, approachable university students and staff. A great resource to be able to use when implementing personalised learning plans.’

    Tony Bell, Pupil Intervention, Walker Technology College (2008-2018)

    ‘The Success4All Learning Hub has enabled us to offer additional learning opportunities outside of the traditional school day. With the children getting close support from volunteers, this adds real value to learning and helps pupils to progress in the key areas of Reading, Writing, Maths and Science at Westgate Hill.’

    Karl Ellerbrook, Westgate Hill Primary Head Teacher

    ‘I am writing in recognition of the outstanding contribution Success4All has made to the Curriculum at Walker Technology College since our partnership was formed in 2006. The College serves an area of extreme deprivation and increasing cultural diversity. It is an area where curricular solutions do not follow a one size fits all model, and where education is equally as much a pastoral as an academic experience. Success4All have embraced and built upon this dynamic from the outset and as a consequence their creative approaches to study support have added significant value to the life chances of many of our young people. The club has been commented upon by Ofsted in previous inspections and good practice visits as being a model of good practice.’

    Mike Collier, Walker Technology College Head Teacher