Photographed is Esther, one of Success4All’s budding coders. Photograph by Success4All
Now that our new cohort of budding coders have settled into Code Club, we wanted to take this opportunity to share with you some of the challenges and accomplishments they have faced so far in their coding learning journey.
Learning to code is in many ways similar to learning a new language or skill.
It requires practice, resilience, creativity, problem-solving and perseverance and it also requires having a teacher/tutor who can guide, motivate and support you when things get tough or seem impossible.
Often times when coding, the challenge is the motivator because the result of conquering a challenge is rewarded with progression and a sense of accomplishment. However, once one challenge has been completed, there is always another one waiting.
When we asked our coders to tell us about some of the challenges and accomplishments they had faced in our Code Club, this is what they told us:

Esther’s project
Esther: “I was going to make it so you click 2 times and then she’d [her character] say super.”

Joshua’s project
Joshua: “I did the thing where I had to make them say what the shape is and then it makes the shape. I did 3 shapes. If you want to do a triangle, you press ‘Z’. If you press, ‘C’, it will erase it. What was challenging was where to find the code. Usually, I look online, but I had to figure this one out myself.”

Megan’s project.
Megan: “I’m happy that it turned out well and I finished it. The bit that I found challenging was the bit where I had to duplicate the boxes.”

Enoch’s project
Enoch: “I spent a long time on the graphics and the cat, trying to make a walking cat, and it also had to jump. I was happy about making this project more complex than my other ones. Challenging was putting all the code together and also making the sprites for the game.”
Get Involved
Code Club runs online every Wednesday from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm during the school term and is suitable for children aged 5+ years. If you would like to register your child please email:
If you would like to find out how you could volunteer at our Code Club, please email: